Migraines and headaches are very serious matters and affect our general happiness factor and our productivity. Do you or someone you know suffer from head pain?
Take a look at this video created by my friend Bill Dickerson. Bill and I practice the same kind of dentistry – neuromuscular dentistry.
We look at the muscular component of headaches because most pain is muscular in origin.
I have personally helped people with migraines, headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), numb arms and fingertips, and hearing loss through neuromuscular dentistry.
You see, your bite (or poor bite) has a lot to do with why migraines and headaches happen in the first place!
This video was produced at LVI where I have been teaching for the past 15 years. What I have learned and instructed over the years has impacted the health of so many people. To talk to my team about your headaches, schedule your complimentary consultation with us today!