Resume, Awards & Recognition

Dr. Kemmet with her Mastership Award from LVI (Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies)

Dr. Kemmet with Fellowship Award from ICCMO (International College of Cranio-mandibular Orthopedics)
Dr. Lori Kemmet, DDS
- The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies*, Instructor, Cosmetic Dentistry and Full Mouth Restoration, 1998 – Present
- Awarded the Mastership Accreditation in Neuromuscular and Cosmetic Dentistry, The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies*, 2004
- Private Practice in Boulder, Colorado, since 1993
- Completed three year commission as a Captain and dentist in the United States Air Force, 1989-1992
- DDS Degree, University of Minnesota Dental School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1989
- B.A., Biology and Chemistry, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, 1985
- Official Dentist to the Colorado-America Pageants: Miss Colorado USA, Miss Colorado Teen USA, and Mrs. Colorado-America
- Provided dentistry to Reggie Rivers, former Denver Broncos football player, current Denver Post columnist and KCNC TV program host
- Provided dentistry to Dave Logan, former Denver Bronco and radio personality and football announcer.
- Provided dentsitry to Frank Shorter, olympic gold medalist in the marathon, 1972.
- Member, Boulder County Dental Society
- Member, Colorado Dental Association
- Member, American Dental Association
- Proud Financial Supporter of A Precious Child, non-profit 501C3 organization.
- Sustaining member and international speaker for the International Association for Comprehensive Aesthetics
- Recipient of the Journalist Award 2009 from the Las Vegas Institute (LVI)