Dentures at Incredible Smiles
Maybe you are not sure if you can save all your teeth. The best way to do dentures today is to have them retained with implants. Eat with confidence again with implant retained dentures.
Hello and welcome to incredible My name is Dr. Lori Kemmett founder and owner of Incredible Smiles. People today are concerned about their appearance. Maybe they’re missing a lot of teeth. Maybe they’re not sure if they can save all of their teeth.
Sometimes we need to have a conversation about dentures. Maybe you have thought that maybe you need a denture or a denture on top and bottom. The best way to do dentures today is to have them retained by implants. This offers you the stability you will want when you have a denture. Maybe you have dentures and you had that experience where you can no longer chew the things that you love to chew like corn on the cob. We hear this all the time. So if you want to eat with confidence again think about implant retained dentures. To find out more about implants visit my or call us for a complimentary consultation at 303-499-0013.